Excellent piece.

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It's very clear how Hamas saw things. They spent two decades building bomb proof bunkers and tunnels, provoked Israel, then when bombs started falling denied their civillian population entry. To my mind, that is a deliberate genocide of their own people.

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The problem with Sudan is that the anti-war coalition cannot work out which of the two sides is the most anti - western and therefore the one they should support.

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Brilliant piece, and jam-packed with rarely-sighted (in others’ writing) nuance. Objective, intelligent, and brilliantly written. Thank you. Should be on the syllabus.

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A good piece. The media seem to spend a great deal of time considering how Netanyahu and the Israelis see things, but seem not to ask how Hamas leaders see things. It’s as if Hamas actions were something no one is responsible for - like the weather. It’s obviously not easy to work out what Hamas leaders think. But commentators shouldn’t confine themselves to doing things that are easy.

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Both sides in this conflict have agency, control over their choices and actions which dictate their future (within historical/geopolitical constraints). If we treat anyone as purely a victim we take that away from them. Both Zionism and Palestinian nationalism were about taking that agency, taking control of your own national fate. There's a certain - I hesitate to use the phrase - post-colonial element to the way in which many in the "West" infantilize the Palestinians and treat them as if they are only the object and we (Jewish) Israelis are the subject, yaani.

It has long been true that the Occupation cannot end without the Palestinians, for fear of rocket fire and/or infiltration from the West Bank hills to Israel's coast plain and Jerusalem. Now, sadly, with that fear confirmed, it seems it cannot be ended and another solution will have to be found which provides liberty, freedom and security for all of us between the River and the Sea. That solution, whenever it is found, whether through agreement or evolution, can only be reached together. Jews and Palestinians have, mostly, the same origins. We both belong here. We will only have peace and security when our rights here are fully recognised and achieved through liberty and sovereignty in our homeland. I believe that was achievable through two states. But no longer.

Given our history, I think we Zionists understand the Palestinian need for liberation far better than do those in the "West" who just use them as a chance to cosplay as freedom fighters to earn vicarious glory while others do the suffering, bleeding and dying. At least when kids play out their fantasies with dolls, they imagine that those dolls have agency.

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All good points - and David’s piece is excellent. But the alternative to two states is one state in which Jewish citizens will quite quickly become a minority : not I think a recipe for peaceful co-existence.

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So much to think about in this piece -- I'm going to have to read it again! Thank you, David, for some truly thoughtful writing.

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Reading the headline I expected a piece on Mr. Starmer. With that in mind, literally, it was quite disconcerting to open it and see Sinwar's ugly mug.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Hypothesis 4a is that Sinwar neither knew nor cared what the outcome might be. All possible outcomes would change a situation which he regarded as stultifying. However, a more likely thought is that he felt sufficiently be-bunkered and be-tunnelled to resist any Israeli reprisal, and that whatever Israel did could be represented as more genocidal than October 7th. So he would regain saliency and the moral high ground, too. And go hang the Gazans on the surface, never a priority.

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The last two lines say it all in this excellent piece. Nevertheless the road to Kristalnacht 2 will be lighted by BBC bulletins and chaperoned by the Met.

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Excellent piece thank you

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