Please write something about the report on the BBC written in Israel. Thank you

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Yes please. The way in which that was reported in the Daily Telegraph was ... interesting.

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It'll take some time but my initial glance through isn't promising.

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As you say David, the sad end of a 20 yeaar connection. But you and your two colleagues have done the honourable thing

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Sep 18Liked by David Aaronovitch

Excellent piece about a very sad state of things.

One note only, it is Martin Durkin (the former revolutionary firebrand -- apostates are always the worst), not Mark Durkin (the esteemed professor at the UoUlster, who to my knowledge has never badly frothed at the mouth).

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An exemplary account, thank you

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Thanks for explaining this disturbing history of events.

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This is a great piece. I'm not Jewish but I used to enjoy reading the JC for the breadth of views and articles it featured. I don't have many Jewish friends and those I have are politically Leftish, Rightish and Centre (we have wonderfully funny and very heated wine-fuelled debates). The JC no longer reflects that breadth of opinion or political philosophies. But the Elon Perry incident is something else entirely and I can't understand how the editor is still in post.

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Thank you David

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Respect to you David.

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An ‘eight-wing rag’ indeed. One wing being the Israeli ministry of disinformation.

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Now edited! Thanks for noticing

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Extremely interesting piece and it is greatly to the author's credit that the old articles and rebuttals he wrote (and links to) were accurate, in some cases prophetic and always so necessary. I was particularly interested by the 'report' on BBC bias on Israel he mentions at the end which was widely trumpeted in the right wing press here . I did some research and concluded its strange and partly anonymous backers could well be some arm of Israel's government. I hope we can see his own view on it shortly.

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Excellent and very interesting piece. Thank you.

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Thank you for explaining David. Excellent piece.

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Good piece, thank you.

Does your leaving reflect mainstream Jewish feelings toward JC?

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Thanks David, many of us have become increasingly bemused (alarmed!) by the embrace of many in Israel of a variety of far right grifters who profess to have Israel's best interests at heart.

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Good decision. Is there a chance of setting up a replacement for the JC, if it doesn't change, with all the other leavers you mention? (BTW your old articles seem to confuse Islamophobia with hatred of Muslims. The problem with the I word is that it means fear of a religion, not hatred of its practitioners, which no sane person would justify. D Murray would, though)

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