I feel sick though not remotely surprised at the morons supporting him. And I can't believe scruffbag BJ actually makes Trump look good. Jeez.

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Your morons are half the electorate. Our last Uber driver in NYC will vote for Trump. He's an immigrant. 'Illegal immigration' resonates massively. Inflation is blamed on the Dems. He's a born again Christian with all that entails among the religious Right; he's very much against LGBTQ-whatever. He was a lovely gentle man who, on learning we were English, said we were the original settlers. I had to gently point out that we were in fact the original immigrants; this land had already been settled. Yes, he will vote for the Crazy man because in his (non) world view that makes perfect sense.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

Interesting how some Prime Ministers enhance their reputation after leaving office--May, Major, Brown--and others seem quite happy to trash theirs. A question of underlying character, I suppose.

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Johnson has turned out to be as loyal to Ukraine and Ukrainians as to his various wives and girlfriends.

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This needs to be shared and re-shared. Hopefully we can keep these scrotes out of government until at least 4th July 2029.

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Isn't the problem that we live in a world where lots of political leaders (on both sides of the Pond) are careless with language and it's possible interpretation. Also, they hide a lack of policy behind (increasingly bizarre) culture war positions? This is brilliant and important David. Thanks for sharing

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When they address this Orange Buffoon as “President” you know they take the knee and display their moronic judgement. Even erstwhile objective journalists slip at times but the idiotic sycophants are obvious. But hardly surprising from the Clown.

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Despicable Them

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A very apt reminder of the moral bankruptcy of the old (and in Jenrick's case not so old) Tory high command. Note too Matt Goodwin's piece just before the debate analysing polling in order to claim Harris was in 'very serious trouble.' Does he seriously think we can accept this as a serious assessment when he and Farage and Reform are in lockstep? In fact if Trump does lose it will be a major blow to Farage.

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I haven’t seen Matt Goodwin’s “analysis” but it is sadly the case that Trumps support generally remains steady at around 46-48% regardless of the complete gobbledygook spouted endlessly in debates, rallies, and press conferences. Harris needs to be 3-4% ahead just to have a better than evens chance. Trumps has the “excuse” of being a narcissistic sociopath but those who enable him on both sides of the Atlantic have no excuses.

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Yes I don't disagree with your polling assessment , even if I think you are being mildly pessimistic, there is I agree certainly plenty of wishful thinking around. My point was that Goodwin should have admitted his massive bias, namely that if Trump was not elected, his party Reform would be dealt a massive blow for its leader Farage is umbilically attached to Trump. Right now on the betting markets Harris is just ahead as favourite and is polling just below the 3% you mention but we will see if that improves.

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RemovedSep 12
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I hope the moderator deletes this blatantly racist and disgusting comment.

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